Learn how to use our Epoxy Products in a VIDEO!
In this video tutorial, Epoxy TO/GO completed the epoxy application of a single garage. The kit used was the Base 305 Grey 100% solid Double Epoxy Kit and the flakes were the Mixed Vinyl...
In this video tutorial, Epoxy TO/GO completed the epoxy application of a single garage. The kit used was the Base 305 Grey 100% solid Double Epoxy Kit and the flakes were the Mixed Vinyl...
Depending on the type of finish you want, the quantity of product you order will be different. For a full flake: 1 coat of standard color, full flake (10 lbs/ 100 sq.ft), 1-2 coats of clear. For a standard color:...
Here are some simple steps to do a cove base with a full flake effect. *Remember that you only need to do 1 coat on the sides of your walls (cove base). 1. Do all your surface preparation, cleaning and taping....
Surface preparation (sanding, filling the cracks, cleaning and taping) is crucial when doing an epoxy job, and so are the tools you will want to use! Make sure you have everything you need before you start the job. A stainless...
Apply a second coat between 24 and 48 hours later to get a very glossy and uniform finish. Note that if the second coat must be applied more than 48 hours later, you will need to sand the surface using...
Here are a few tips if your are thinking about choosing a metallic or pearlescent color for you project! Remember that metallic and pearlescent colors cover less than standard colors. Please refer to the chart below: APPROXIMATE COVERAGE FROM ONE SINGLE...
DOUBLE EPOXY KITS of 9L are available. These kits include: 2 x 2 pairs of nitrile gloves 2 stirrings rod 2 x Epoxy resin - 3 L. & hardener - 1.5 L. 2 x 16 ounces dye of selected color among 50 colors...
The "Epoxy Builder", our project simulator, allows you to create a personalized project, and order everything directly to your door in 10 easy steps. 1. Choose the type of epoxy (regular, pearlescent, metallic or safety color) 2. Enter the floor...
As you probably know, epoxy resin can be applied to coat many types of concrete floors, to give it a great look. What you may not know, is that epoxy can also be used as a sealer.Indeed, epoxy is a superior...
In this video tutorial, Epoxy TO/GO completed the epoxy application of a single garage. The kit used was the Base 305 Grey 100% solid Double Epoxy Kit and the flakes were the Mixed Vinyl Flakes Saphire, for a total coverage effect. To finish, a...